They reject the idea that Allah communicated with a man among men, whom He designated as His Messenger, giving them guidance and forewarning them of His retribution. Allah has exposed the hypocrites' schemes in the Qur'an; he has exposed their traits and beliefs and made their objectives evident so that the believers are aware of them. At the outset of Surah al-Baqarah, he classified people into three categories: believers, disbelievers, and hypocrites. Due to their abundance and the significant harm and suffering they do to Islam and the Muslims, he cited four passages about believers, two verses about disbelievers, and thirteen verses against hypocrites.They cause Islam great harm because, although they pose as Muslims and say they support and uphold the religion, in actuality they are its enemies who work to undermine it from within. They do this by subtly disseminating their ignorance and corruption so that those who are unsuspecting will believe they are acting in accordance with knowledge and morality. Thanks Allah!How many Islamic strongholds and fortresses have they demolished, how many Islamic signposts have they put up, how many flags have they lowered, how many doubtful seeds have they tried to plant in order to weaken the religion? Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, the author (d. 751 H), was one of the most prolific Islamic intellectuals. He spent sixteen years studying under Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and stayed with him until his death, absorbing a tremendous quantity of information from him. He wrote more than sixty books that addressed a wide range of Islamic studies. His writings are notable for their poignant appeal to the heart and soul. He was exceedingly pious and devout.