Parts twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty of the Tajweed Quran, which begin with surah "Al-Mujadila" and end with surah "An-Nas," are Amma, Tabarak, and Qad Same'a. Given that these sections include brief surahs, this item is an ideal place for children, novices, and students to start. This product has a lovely, soft, glossy cover and comes in the normal portrait format, which combines the three components (28, 29, and 30). Each page has 15 lines, just like any other page of the Quran, with a few chosen words interpreted in the margins. Hafs narrates this passage from the Tajweed Quran. This item and all of our Tajweed Quran items include the following: 1. A thorough explanation of Tajweed rules with a useful example. 2. A collection of really helpful indexes, including the Subject Index and the Surahs Color Index. 3. Tajweed regulations are presented using color-coded letters, which is a great and easy method to understand and follow them. 4. Obvious script: to facilitate reading and reciting the Quran, additional spaces were included between the words. 5. Permissible stops: extended areas were incorporated at specific locations where stopping is allowed. Avoiding stopping at inappropriate locations or times is beneficial.